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Our Credentials (Society Documents)

  • Approach Autism Society (AAS) is registered under Person With Disability (PWD renewed) act 1995 article 52(2) wide F16(14)/15/Registration/Ni.Vi.Yo/20213698 dated 10/05/2022
  • AAS is registered under NITI Ayog with unique id RJ/2017/0180386 dated 28/11/2019
  • AAS is authorized to do NIRAMAYA health insurance for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (PwIDD) associated with National Trust with registration number RAPP17518068573 dated 6/09/2018
  • Any local contribution to AAS is exempted from income tax under section 80 G under provisional approval number AACAA3069NF20214 dated 28/05/2021
  • AAS has Foreign Currency Regulatory Act (FCRA) registration number 125560319 dated 30/03/2021 for any foreign contribution
  • AAS has been registered for undertaking CSR activities with the Registration number CSR00014184 dated 2/09/2021

National Trust Registration:

PWD Registration​



80G Certificate:

FCRA Registration Certificate:


Audited Balance Sheet 2021-22:

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